Letters patent Related Words

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Here are some words that are associated with letters patent: patent, law, legal instrument, legal document, legal, corporation, documents, letter, legislation, patents, document, paper, application, article, requests, claims, commonwealth realm, certificate, apply, design patent, monarch, president, instrument, jurisprudence, heraldry, governor, open letter, papers, copy, obtained. You can get the definitions of these letters patent related words by clicking on them. Also check out describing words for letters patent and find more words related to letters patent using ReverseDictionary.org

Words Related to letters patent

Below is a list of words related to letters patent. You can click words for definitions. Sorry if there's a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job for common-ish words. Here's the list of words that are related to letters patent:

patent law legal instrument legal document legal corporation documents letter legislation patents document paper application article requests claims commonwealth realm certificate apply design patent monarch president instrument jurisprudence heraldry governor open letter papers copy obtained printed instance issued submitted governors-general text file filed articles notes complaint correspondence code applied contained names license subject filing print suit
related words continue after advertisement
use request publish requested books petition reference accepted specifically used referred using received consent authorized issuing amended copies written invention records relating example files false submit stating published read printing instructions lawsuit regarding similar book or introduced register case publication write original provided standard handwritten disclosure copyright concerning required formal purchase pages notary classified passed oral included personal name provisions accounts given account evidence statements requiring docket unalterable legalization government-granted monopoly amnesty nom eviction fuero reprieve probate certiorari shariah legislate derogation intestate official document paralegal demurrer sequestration contumacy lawmaking lawful lawmaker legality legislator alibi mandamus undue codicil demur ouster citation affidavit parole disclaimer incorporation evidentiary pardon forensic solicitor lawfully lawgiver legalize programma appellate jurist passport impoundment danelaw seal citizenship subrogation incontestability acquittance reversionary legist attorn intralegal blawg revertible sociolegal jurisconsult lawly inlaw surrebutter lawing counterclaim surrejoinder lawmonger promulgator counterplea lawgiving astrolaw alienable inlagation recusation judicialize garnishment jural quitclaim testate champerty injudicial reconvict extralegal enfeoffment royal commission conveyancer transferee nomology preterlegal subornation recognizance chain of title caveat ranger united states patent law constitutional amendment scire facia parliament power of attorney statute book letters close fifth amendment blue sky law civil law common law public law unite state code eminent domain fundamental law sus law circumstantial evidence feudal law civil liberty right of entry diplomatic immunity corpus delicti penal code title deed unite state constitution administrative law international law maritime law legal status gag law department of justice statute of limitation li pendens tax system fiduciary relation special plead attorney general statute law latin language life estate legal system blue law law of land next friend legal principle custody battle lawyer client relation riot act legal profession legal code false pretense pauli exclusion principle hubble's law civil suit jus cogens line case law morse amicus curia organic law capitalize negotiable instrument right to vote legal person habeas corpus trust deed supreme court judicial review card specification royalty brief military law burn humanity accredit address ala art charter clerk credential credit grammar humanism iga illuminate secretary suspension title usda idea applications tonic renew remedy office licence blatant device demand commerce claim certificates law of gravitation childlike dominance assurance assignment assign asset alignment age affluence conveyance convey chase charta charge debenture cadastral child decoder beneficiary deeds diction diplomatic culture domain chitty cid natural law law of nature legal fee civil right ultra vires subpoena duce tecum boyle's law lego literary legal duty concur opinion obiter dictum intra vires judgment in personam resist arrest defense attorney final judgment salic law notwithstanding clause sexual assault consent decree moot court probate court lie down law first amendment death warrant law firm bar association martial law obstruction of justice sharia law property law legal separation rule of evidence due process fieri facia lawyer up learn treatise non prosequitur justice of peace conservative judaism black letter law forgery act of parliament imprisonment crime ministry of justice drl decipherer belles-lettres demit conceptualism bailor bailment dispensatory bailee avant-garde autostability bookwork patent rolls pro forma non obstante patent right scire facias eschatocol royal prerogative royal assent united states vanity plate combination in restraint of trade binary file deed of trust certificate of title debenture stock land patent president of the united states james madison william marbury marbury v. madison title 18 of the united states code united states supreme court

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Words Related to letters patent

As you've probably noticed, words related to "letters patent" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "letters patent" are: patent, law, legal instrument, legal document, and legal. There are 419 other words that are related to or similar to letters patent listed above. Hopefully the generated list of letters patent related words above suit your needs.

P.S. There are some problems that I'm aware of, but can't currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn't know which definition you're referring to ("bullies are mean" vs. "what do you mean?", etc.), so consider that your search query for words like letters patent may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is letters patent?

Also check out letters patent words on relatedwords.io for another source of associations.

Related Words

Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you... related words - rather than just direct synonyms.

As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn't too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then - that's just the nature of the engine in its current state.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of letters patent themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

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